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Stay Safe This Swimming Season: ESCAPE ARTIST Michael Griffin’s Expert Tips for Water Emergencies and Accident Prevention

Mastering Escape: Michael Griffin’s Essential Tips for Water Safety and Accident Prevention This Swimming Season

As the summer season approaches, countless people eagerly anticipate the joys of swimming in beaches, lakes, and rivers. However, these fun outings can sometimes lead to dangerous situations, such as getting trapped in a submerged vehicle, being caught in riptides, or facing drowning risks in crowded public pools. To ensure safety and preparedness, we can learn invaluable lessons from Michael Griffin, the world-renowned escape artist who has performed some of the most daring underwater escapes.

Michael Griffin, who has successfully escaped from Houdini's own box at the bottom of the ocean in Delray Beach, Florida, and freed himself from 20 pounds of handcuffs and leg irons after being thrown to the bottom of the frozen Ohio River, is uniquely qualified to offer advice on surviving watery misfortunes. Griffin has also survived being dragged to the depths of the Gulf of Mexico while chained and cuffed, making him an expert on what to do if you find yourself in a life-threatening water emergency.

Understanding the Risks

Water-related accidents can occur in various scenarios, such as:

  • Riptides: Strong currents that can pull swimmers away from the shore.

  • Crowded Pools: Increased drowning risks in overcrowded conditions, especially with wave machines.

  • Post-Party Driving: Accidents resulting in cars submerging in water due to impaired driving.

  • Alcohol Consumption: Impaired judgment and physical abilities while swimming or engaging in water activities.

Escape Artist Michael Griffin shoots to the surface of a flooded river after being dragged to the bottom in handcuffs, chains and heavy cement block

Michael Griffin’s Tips for Surviving Water Emergencies

  1. Riptide Safety

Riptides are powerful currents that can quickly drag swimmers out to sea. Here’s how to stay safe:

  • Stay Calm: Panicking can exhaust you quickly. Try to remain calm and conserve energy.

  • Don’t Fight the Current: Swimming against a riptide is futile. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current, then swim back to the beach.

  • Float and Signal: If you’re unable to swim out of the riptide, float on your back to conserve energy and signal for help by waving your arms.

  1. Crowded Pools and Wave Machines

Public pools, especially those with wave machines, can be hazardous for novice swimmers.

  • Avoid Peak Hours: Swim during less crowded times to reduce the risk of accidents.

  • Stay Close to Lifeguards: Position yourself near lifeguards who can quickly respond if you need help.

  • Buddy System: Always swim with a friend who can assist you if you get into trouble.

  • Learn CPR: Basic CPR knowledge can save lives. In an emergency, immediate action is crucial.

  1. Car Submersion

In the unfortunate event of your car submerging in water, follow these steps to escape:

  • Don’t Panic: Stay calm and quickly assess the situation.

  • Unbuckle Seatbelts: Unbuckle your seatbelt first, then help others do the same.

  • Open Windows Immediately: Electric windows should work for a short time after submersion. Open them as soon as possible. If they fail, use a window-breaking tool.

  • Exit Through Windows: Escape through the windows, not the doors, as water pressure will make opening doors nearly impossible until the car is fully submerged.

  • Get to the Surface: Once out, swim to the surface and call for help.

  1. General Water Safety

Whether at the beach, lake, or pool, these general safety tips can prevent accidents:

  • Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol impairs judgment and physical abilities. Avoid drinking before or during swimming activities.

  • Know Your Limits: Don’t venture into waters beyond your swimming capabilities.

  • Learn to Swim: Basic swimming skills are essential for water safety. Consider taking lessons if you’re not confident in your abilities.

  • Wear Life Jackets: Life jackets are crucial for non-swimmers and during boating activities.

  • Stay Hydrated and Take Breaks: Dehydration and fatigue can increase the risk of accidents. Drink water and rest regularly.

Practical Tips from Michael Griffin

Michael Griffin’s expertise in escape artistry offers unique insights into handling water emergencies. Here are some of his practical tips:

  1. Mental Preparedness

    • Visualization: Regularly visualize different emergency scenarios and your escape plan. Mental preparation can help you stay calm and focused during real emergencies.

    • Controlled Breathing: Practice deep, controlled breathing to maintain calm and reduce panic.

  2. Escape Tools

    • Window-Breaking Tool: Keep a window-breaking tool within easy reach in your car. This tool can be a lifesaver if your car becomes submerged.

    • Seatbelt Cutter: A seatbelt cutter is another essential tool that can help you quickly free yourself and others.

  3. Training Drills

    • Simulate Emergencies: Conduct practice drills for various scenarios, such as car submersion or being caught in a riptide. These drills can help you react more efficiently during actual emergencies.

    • Swimming Skills: Regularly practice swimming techniques that focus on endurance and efficiency, such as floating and treading water.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is always better than cure. Taking proactive measures can significantly reduce the risk of water-related accidents:

  1. Check Weather Conditions

    • Always check the weather and water conditions before heading out. Avoid swimming in rough waters or during adverse weather conditions.

  2. Know the Area

    • Familiarize yourself with the swimming area. Identify potential hazards such as strong currents, drop-offs, and underwater obstacles.

  3. Stay Informed

    • Pay attention to safety signs and warnings. Lifeguards and local authorities often provide valuable information about water safety.

  4. Safety Gear

    • Equip yourself with appropriate safety gear, such as life jackets and floating devices, especially if you’re not a strong swimmer.

Escape Artist Michael Griffin getting locked up in handcuffs, chains and heavy cement block seconds before jumping to the bottom of the Singapore River

Emergency Response

Knowing how to respond in an emergency can make a significant difference in the outcome. Here’s a quick guide on what to do in common water emergencies:

  1. Drowning

    • If someone is drowning, call for help immediately. If you’re trained in water rescue, approach the person from behind to avoid being pulled under. Use a flotation device if available.

  2. Unconscious Victim

    • For an unconscious victim in the water, carefully bring them to the surface, ensuring their airway is clear. Begin CPR if they are not breathing, and seek emergency medical assistance immediately.

  3. Hypothermia

    • In cold water, hypothermia can set in quickly. Remove the person from the water, cover them with blankets, and provide warm, non-alcoholic beverages. Seek medical attention immediately.


As we approach the swimming season, it’s crucial to prioritize safety to ensure enjoyable and accident-free outings at beaches, lakes, and rivers. By incorporating the expert advice of escape artist Michael Griffin, we can better prepare for potential water emergencies. Remember, staying calm, prepared, and informed are the keys to preventing accidents and surviving dangerous situations.

Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to handle emergencies, practice safety drills, and always prioritize preventive measures. This swimming season, let’s make safety our top priority, ensuring that every swim is not only fun but also safe.

For more detailed information on Michael Griffin and his incredible escape artistry, visit Michael Griffin Escapes.